25 Lessons at 50

Turned 50 this year. Perhaps that is part of what gave rise to reflecting on some lessons from along my way. If you like lists, enjoy. If you don’t, sorry … I do. 




1. Cruel people are almost always more courageous than kind ones, but I still prefer the kind ones. 


2. No testimony is so powerful as the lived one.
3. I learned more about the value of hard work when sitting alongside my grandparents under a pecan tree, shelling butterbeans and shucking corn, than I did in any university.


4. There is a world of difference between Facebook friends and friends. 


5. There will be lots of surprises for us at the final judgment.


6. Beauty makes no sense as a category if atheism is true. 


7. The visible Christian church, though filled with sinners, is still precious, because we sinners confess our sin is the problem and the gospel is the answer; secularists refuse to admit these by insisting the world will ‘progress’ via yet another humanistic model. It wont; study history. 


8. Words, though often misused, are nonetheless necessary.


9. Great books are one of life’s great comforts.


10. We have forgotten how to be alone and learn.


11. A hand-written letter still makes me smile. 


12. In a week, we won’t remember today’s headlines.


13. The Bible is too important to neglect; previous generations knew this. 


14. There are more wolves than shepherds.


15. Some people’s smiles reveal knives; discernment is key.


16. I bet Judas Iscariot had a lovely smile.


17. I have not fished enough, even if they’re not biting.


18. The apostrophe has reason to be upset. 


19. Grammar classes should be compulsory.


20. Public discourse has degenerated into verbal assassination; we have slain ourselves.


21. I wish I had learned to garden well. 


22. There are many excellent books, and Shakespeare penned more than a few of them. 


23. My wife loves me better than I deserve.


24. The arts, though largely neglected, are vital. 


25. 1 Corinthians 15. 



2 thoughts on “25 Lessons at 50

  1. #10 I Have learned more being out of the mainstream work community than when I was in it and was introduced to specific views of what others felt were valuable. Learning is an individual experience taking all the information learned, siphon it through the self-filter to determine what new information is pertinent to the current situation. Yes it is biased by a solo interpretation but more relative to the individual.


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